Reuteri Probiotics
Decrease in stomach health can be contributed to poor eating habits and pressure. Many may exhibit abnormal acid secretion, gastric distension, indigestion or other functional gastrointestinal problems. Helicobacter bacteria may also be a cause for stomach problems. BioGaia® Reuteri Gastrus™ Probiotic Chewable Tablet is the new patented probiotic combination which targets the root of stomach problems – Helicobacter bacteria. It can be used to effectively inhibit Helicobacter bacteria and promote gastric emptying, thereby relieving symptoms of abnormal acid secretion, gastric distension and indigestion.
Gastrus™ improves your stomach health in 10 different ways
- Modulate abnormal acid secretion and reduce acid-related problems
- Alleviate gastric distension and gas
- Improve indigestion and increase nutrient absorption
- Reduce the intensity of functional abdominal pain
- Reduce incidence of pregnancy nausea and vomiting
- Protect and repair injured stomach mucosa
- Reduce the risk of more serious stomach disorder
- Inhibit Helicobacter bacteria
- Strengthen stomach immunity to bad bacteria
- Reduce side effects caused by antibiotics and PPIs
- Improve symptoms of COVID-19, including intestinal microbial imbalance and diarrhea
Unique features of Gastrus™
- Patented Gastrus™ probiotic strains combination (100 million live cells of L. reuteri DSM 17938 and 100 million live cells of L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475)
- Gastrus™ is isolated from human breast milk. It is well adapted to the internal environment and capable of colonizing the GI tract.
- Acid and bile resistant
- Capable of producing antimicrobial – Reuterin, which inhibits common pathogens.
- Compatible with antibiotics
- The first sugar-free mandarin flavor chewable tablets sold in Hong Kong
- It is suitable for all ages, children and elderly
- Made in Sweden, available in more than 100 countries
- Proven efficacy evaluated with 258 clinical studies
- Patended formula to improve inflammatory symptoms caused by stomach bacteria: HK publication number: 1079811
Recommended Dosage:
- For stomach health: Take 1 tablet daily
- For people who have stomach problems: Take 2 tablets daily
- During antibiotic treatment: Take 2 tablets twice daily
(Use as instructed by doctors. Take it 2 hours after taking antibiotics)
Package: 700mg x 30 tablets
L. reuteri is a patended probiotic with multiple clinical validations. Currently, more than 258 clinical reports have confirmed that it can promote gastrointestinal health and enhance immunity, fully verifying its benefits to human health. Gastrus™ conforms to the requirement of WHO and it is a truly human probiotic that:
Reuteri is an activated micro-organism.
Research has proved that Reuteri is beneficial for human health.
- BioGaia® Reuteri Gastrus™ contains a unique combination of 2 patented Lactobacillus strains (L. reuteri DSM 17938 and L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475).
- Each tablet contains 100 million live cells of each strain.
- Reuteri can produce antimicrobial – Reuterin that inhibit the growth of a number of common bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract, including Helicobacter bacteria.
- Gastrus™ is clinically proven to survive and colonize the highly acidic environment of the stomach and can be used in combination with antibiotic.
- Gastrus™ is suitable for children, adults and pregnant women.
- Gastrus™ is the only chewable probiotic tablets containing natural mandarin flavor sold in Hong Kong.
- It does not require refrigeration (keep below 25oC) and is convenient to carry.
Gastrus™ – Modulate abnormal acid secretion and reduce acid-related problems
- Is able to decrease serum G17 level and relieves hyperacidity and heartburn caused by Helicobacter bacteria.
Gastrus™ – Alleviate gastric distension and gas
- Modulates bowel movement and increases level of good bacteria in the stomach, thereby improving symptoms of gastric distension and lactose intolerance.
Gastrus™ – Improve indigestion and increase nutrient absorption
- Decreased acid secretion caused by mucosal lining damage by Helicobacter bacteria will lead to indigestion of proteins and other nutrients. Gastrus™ can inhibit Helicobacter bacteria and increase gastric emptying to reduce the residue of food in stomach.
Gastrus™ – Inhibit Helicobacter bacteria
- Can produce unique antimicrobial substances – Reuterin. It can inhibit a number of bad GI bacteria and supply our gut with more good bacteria. Thereby, correcting dysbiosis and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.
Gastrus™ – Reduce the intensity of functional abdominal pain
- Can modulate the gut-brain axis which decreases hypersensitivity of the gut and pain perception caused by TRPV1 receptors. It can reduce the GI discomfort caused by food and environmental factors and reduce the intensity of functional abdominal pain.
Other benefits of Gastrus™
- Protect and repair injured stomach mucosa
- Reduce the risk of more serious stomach disorder
- Reduce incidence of pregnancy nausea and vomiting
- Strengthen stomach immunity to bad bacteria
- Reduce side effects caused by antibiotics and PPIs
Cause for gastric discomfort
- Gastric dysfunction, hyperacidity and gas
- Diet
- Irritating food (e.g. coffee, salty or spicy food)
- High fiber, high fat or high protein food
- Smoking and alcohol
- Irregular eating habits
- Helicobacter bacteria
- Emotions and pressure
- Pregnancy
Criteria of choosing the best Probiotics supplement
- Supported by many clinical researches, active probiotics gives the best effects
- Choose the product without any sugar
- With label showing the type and number of probiotics it contains
- With label showing the expired date and storage method
- Produced by recognized GMP pharmaceutical firms
疫境下生活方式改變 容易引起胃部不適
疫境下生活方式改變 容易引起胃部不適 疫情持續兼有反彈跡象,很多市民都遺選擇減少外出用餐、在家工作、甚至改變生活習慣。長時間「Work from Home」會導致運動時間不足,加上留於家中,容易出現「食多咗」的狀況,從而令胃部的惡菌數量大增,最終出現胃痛、胃氣、消化不良等胃部不適。要抑制胃部惡菌及舒緩胃部不適,服食益生菌便是一個有效的方法。活得易健胃益生菌採用全球專利菌種GastrusTM,能夠製造抗菌劑-Reuterin,有效把胃部的幽門惡菌抑制,改善胃酸過多、胃氣脹和消化不良等胃部問題,以及修補胃黏膜和增強胃部免疫力。有別於一般益生菌產品,健胃益生菌能抵抗胃酸和抗生素,有效活躍於腸胃,輕鬆地改善疫情期間的胃部不適。
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