Reuteri Probiotics
Reuteri is proven scientifically to survive in the acid of the stomach and bile salt in the intestine. Once established, Reuteri promotes the growth of other good bacteria, produces and secretes Reuterin. Reuterin inhibits the growth of common bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Reuteri has been shown to cause recruitment of immune cells in the gastrointestinal tissue, which is associated with protective immune system stimulation.
Clinically proven to:
- Regulate immune cell function and enhance intestinal immunity
- Suppress the growth of bad bacteria, balance intestinal health
- Reduce occasional or non-persistent diarrhea or constipation
- Improve gas, bloating, and indigestion
- Increase the absorption of nutrients, such as DHA, calcium, vitamins and minerals. Good for children growth
- Prevent travel sickness, such as inadequacy
- Improve skin sensitivity
- Improve women vaginal health
- Improve symptoms of COVID-19, including intestinal microbial imbalance and diarrhea
Reuteri Features:
- Extracted from human breast milk, therefore most suitable to colonize in human bodies to give the best health effect
- Reuteri can produce antimicrobial – Reuterin that inhibits the growth of common bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
- Able to survive in stomach without being killed by gastric acid and bile salts
- Colonize the vagina and produce lactic acid to lower pH and relieve women’s problems
- The first sugar-free strawberry flavor chewable tablets sold in Hong Kong
- It is suitable for all ages, children and elderly
- Made in Sweden, available in more than 100 countries
- Proven efficacy evaluated with 258 clinical studies
- Patented formula to improve immunity: HK 1079811, HK 1132659
Recommended Dosage:
- For gut health, adults and children over 1 year old, chew 1 tablet per day
(Please crush into powder for infants under 2 years old) - For people who have gastrointestinal problems, chew 2 tablets per day
Package: 450mg x 60 tablets
Reuteri Probiotics Chewable Tablet is a patented formula to improve human immunity. Reuteri conforms to the requirement of WHO and it is a truly human probiotic that:
1.Reuteri is an activated micro-organism.
2.Research has proved that Reuteri is beneficial for human health.
- Each tablet contains 100 million active cells of L.reuteri DSM 17938.
- Reuteri can produce antiseptic- Reuterin that inhibit the growth of a number of common bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Research showed Reuteri can survive with antibiotics and gastric acid in gastrointestinal tract and it is suitable for infant, children, adult and pregnant woman.
- Reuteri is the only chewable probiotic tablets containing natural strawberry flavor sold in Hong Kong.
- It does not require refrigeration (keep below 25oC) and is convenient to carry.
REUTERI – Relieve occasional diarrhea
- According to medical professionals, it is very common for babies to be hospitalized for treatment due to gastroenteritis caused by the virus. Patients will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain. When babies grow, they often touch things with their little hands and put objects into their mouths, which increases the chance of contracting viruses and affects the baby’s nutritional absorption and growth. To enhance the baby’s intestinal resistance, parents can give their baby Reuteri Probiotics.
- Clinical tests show that 40 children aged 6 months to 3 years old who suffered from diarrhea took Reuteri Probiotics during hospitalization. After 2 days, 74% of them had significant improvements, and after 3 days, up to 90% them no longer have diarrhea, and the intestinal health effect is confirmed (Shornikova et al., 1997).
- Dairy sensitivity, one of the causes of occasional diarrhea, is caused by lack of an enzyme in the body that breaks down lactose. Reuteri Probiotics can decompose lactose in milk into lactic acid, reducing the amount of lactose, effectively reducing allergic reactions. And also allowing some people who are sensitive to milk to absorb nutrients from milk, such as calcium.
- Antibiotics while destroying harmful bacteria, they will also kill the good bacteria in the intestines, which will immediately weaken the intestinal resistance and lead to an imbalance between good bacteria and harmful bacteria, causing diarrhea. Studies have confirmed that Reuteri Probiotics will not be killed by commonly used antibiotics (Lionetti et al., 2006), can replenish the number of beneficial bacteria in the body and relieve gastrointestinal problems caused by the use of antibiotics.
REUTERI – Relieve occasional constipation
- In recent years, constipation cases have been on the rise. The main reasons are stress in life, excessive use of laxatives, fast food culture, lack of vegetables, and aging, which cause abdominal muscle atrophy. In addition, less activity slows down intestinal peristalsis, leading to rectal constipation. Stimulation is greatly reduced, causing constipation.
- Research shows that Reuteri Probiotics decompose dietary fiber and sugar to produce lactic acid and acetic acid, which tend to make the intestines acidic, promote intestinal wall peristalsis, help smooth defecation (Ouwehand et al., 2002), and soothe occasional constipation problems. Reuteri Probiotics are safe and reliable and suitable for pregnant women and the elderly.
REUTERI – Regulate human immune system
- To enhance children’s immunity, taking Reuteri Probiotics is a better choice. Research shows that after 209 children aged 4-10 months took Reuteri Probiotics for 12 weeks, their fever, occasional diarrhea and absence from school were greatly reduced compared with children who did not take, and their body’s resistance was significantly enhanced (Weizman et al., 2005).
- Another study showed that after 262 Swedish employees aged 18-65 took Reuteri Probiotics for 80 days, the rate of sick leave was significantly reduced by 55% compared with employees who did not take. Their body resistance is significantly enhanced.
Probiotics – Give your body the best Protection
According to some scientific reports related to the nutritional value of probiotics from the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics can effectively improve gastrointestinal health by balancing the diversity of microbes inside. If our body can maintain adequate amount of probiotics, other pathogens will not able to grow and our immunity will be strengthened as well.
How Probiotics maintain our gut health?
Inside our stomach, there are about 400-500 types of microbes, which these microbes can be classified as pathogens and probiotics. Normally, they would grow inside our body in a balanced way. But if we have an imbalanced diet, too much stress, medication, declined immunity, or we eat some contaminated food, pathogens will grow extensively in our body, therefore we will easily have diarrhea, vomiting or constipation. Having natural probiotics supplement is the best and the most direct way to maintain the balance of microbes, so to protect our bodies against illness.
Criteria of choosing the best Probiotics supplement
- Supported by many clinical researches, active probiotics gives the best effect.
- Choose the product without any sugar.
- With label to show the type and number of probiotics it contains.
- With label to show the expired date and storage method.
- Produced by recognized GMP pharmaceutical firms.
又到開學季節 如何增強抵抗力
又到開學季節 如何增強抵抗力 疫情不斷反彈,隨時迎來第六波。擔心小朋友上學染上疫症,想增強他們的免疫力?以下幾種方法幫到家長:多吃增強免疫力的食物1.深綠色的蔬菜含有維生素A、B、C、E 及多種礦物質,能提供免疫系統正常運作的必要養分。2. 蛋白質,分為動物性和植物性蛋白質,均能有助製作抗體,增加細胞T的活性。3.含有豐富維他命C的水果,例如橙、奇異果和番石榴,能預防和治療感冒。做適量運動有研究指出,一星期做2-3 次 20 分鐘以上的帶氧運動可以增強免疫力,以及降低急性上呼吸道感染的危險,而 30 分鐘以上的帶氧運動,則可以降低身體的慢性炎症反應。建立良好的生活習慣避免偏食以確保攝取充足的營養。另外記住要有充足睡眠,睡眠不足會導致體內免疫細胞下降,影響小孩的免疫力。
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如何判斷自己需要補充益生菌? 市面上益生菌產品林林總總,部分聲稱可以活腸纖腰、排毒瘦身,每款都有自己的賣點,到底哪款益生菌比較好呢?又應該如何判斷自己是否需要補充益生菌呢?腸道問題困擾:包括便秘、肚脹氣、大便過硬或不成形等,是腸道好壞菌比例失衡,令身體腸道難以正常發揮功能所致。熱氣上火:例如皮膚痕癢、疲勞、長痘痘等等,都是由於身體免疫力低下,使病菌有機可乘、侵入身體引致的普遍不適。女士私密部位不適:有經前不適、私密部位痕癢、白帶等等,是由於身體免疫力不足,讓白色念珠菌乘機入侵女士身體。透過補充益生菌,保持腸道細菌平衡,讓腸道發揮自如同時,亦提升身體免疫力,抵抗病菌入侵身體。這樣就不會打敗仗!
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