Reuteri Probiotics Products
BioGaia Ecz-immune + D3 Probiotic contains patented L. reuteri DSM 17938 and vitamin D3. It produces antimicrobial agent – Reuterin, activates and strengthens the immune system and prevents infections in gut. BioGaia Reuteri Ecz-immune + D3 Probiotic provides immunomodulatory effects and modulates gut microbiota, effectively prevents and improves health problems associated with an imbalanced immune function.
Clincally proven to:
- Restores balance in intestinal microbiota
- Boosts the immune system
- Soothes different types of allergies, including skin allergy, respiratory allergy and lactose intolerance
- Helps digestion and bowel movement
- Relieves occasional diarrhea and constipation
- Maintains teeth and bone health
- Improve symptoms of COVID-19, including intestinal microbial imbalance and diarrhea
Reuteri Features:
- Extracted from human breast milk, therefore most suitable to colonize in human bodies to give the best health effect
- Reuteri can produce antimicrobial – Reuterin that inhibits the growth of common bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
- Able to survive in stomach without being killed by gastric acid and bile salts
- Colonize the vagina and produce lactic acid to lower pH and relieve women’s problems
- The first sugar-free orange flavor chewable tablets sold in Hong Kong
- It is suitable for all ages, children and elderly
- Made in Sweden, available in more than 100 countries
- Proven efficacy evaluated with 258 clinical studies
- Patented formula to improve immunity: HK 1079811, HK 1132659
Recommended Dosage:
- For general health: 1 tablet per day
- For people who poor immunity and hypersensitivity: 2 tablets per dayPackage: 450mg x 30 tablets
Reuteri Ecz-immune + D3 Probiotic is a patented formula to improve human immunity. More than 258 clinical studies proved it promotes gut health, improves immune system and suppresses allergy as well. Reuteri conforms to the requirement of WHO and it is a truly human probiotic that:
- Reuteri is an activated micro-organism.
- Research has proved that Reuteri is beneficial for human health.
- Every tablet contains 100 million active cells of L. reuteri DSM 17938 and 400 IU vitamin D3
- Reuteri can produce an antibacterial – Reuerin that inhibits the growth of a number of common harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract
- Research showed Reuteri Probiotics can survive with common antibiotics, gastric juice and bile in gastrointestinal tract.
- Research showed Reuteri can survive with antibiotics and gastric acid in gastrointestinal tract and it is suitable for infant, children, adult and pregnant woman.
- Reuteri is the only chewable probiotic tablets containing natural orange flavor sold in Hong Kong.
- It does not require refrigeration (keep below 25℃) and is convenient to carry.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 not only maintains teeth and bone health, but also influences the ability of the colonization of gut bacteria and the balance of microbiota. Vitamin D deficiency leads to autoimmune disorders and allergic problems. About 80% of immune cells are located in the intestinal tract and perform their immune functions. Vitamin D can modulate the immune cells and regulate intestinal immune functions. The intestinal barrier can prevent harmful substances, such as bacteria, toxins, allergens, etc., from entering other tissues through intestinal mucosa. Through the signaling pathway, vitamin D strengthens the structural integrity of the intestinal barrier.
Effectively soothing skin allergy – supported by scientific research
Both the probiotics and vitamin D in Reuteri Ecz-immune+D3 probiotics can effectively control the immune system, therefore, the effect is doubled compared with a single probiotic formula.
Skin allergy in infants usually occurs on the neck, cheeks, and scalp. In adults, skin allergy is more common on the neck, hands, feet, and waist. Studies have shown that Reuteri can effectively improve itching and reduce the range of allergy by 54% within 3 months, and improve by 79% after 12 months.
Skin allergy can lead to skin redness, swelling and itching, and in severe cases, it can cause insomnia and affect daily life. Studies have shown that Reuteri can effectively reduce insomnia by 52% within 3 months, and by 78% after 12 months.
Apart from probiotics, vitamin D also plays a vital role in improving skin allergic problems.
Studies have shown that children with skin allergy problems can greatly reduce the SCORAD* (SCORing Atopic Dermatitis) after taking vitamin D for 3 months, effectively relieves skin allergic symptoms, increases vitamin levels in the body, and maintains balanced immunity.
*SCORAD scoring criteria include the range of allergy, degree of dryness, crusting, swelling, skin thickening and other symptoms
In the study, the patient’s SCORAD dropped from 46 points (moderate) to 23 points (mild), and the effect is remarkable.
(Diagram of moderate eczema)
(Diagram of mild eczema)
Enhancing immunity and improving work efficiency
The study pointed out that of 262 Swedish employees aged 18-65 after taking Reuteri probiotics, the frequency of taking sick leave was greatly reduced by about 55%. It showed that their immune system was significantly enhanced, and their work efficiency was also improved4.
Restoring the balance of microbiota
The study pointed out that after 68 children aged 4-10 months took Reuteri probiotics for 12 weeks, their fever and occasional diarrhea were greatly reduced compared with children who had not eaten, and their body’s immunity was significantly enhanced.
Probiotics – Give your body the best Protection
Reuteri are probiotics naturally from humans, therefore the environment in the human intestinal tract is suitable for reproduction and allows them to maximize their effect. Reuteri can also produce antibacterial agent-Reuterin, which can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and improve intestinal health. Therefore, when the ratio of good and bad bacteria in the intestine is out of balance, it is more necessary to take in probiotics to regulate the immune system.
Synergistic effect of Vitamin D and Probiotics
Vitamin D deficiency will affect the colonization ability of intestinal microflora and the balance of good and bad bacteria, leading to immune system disorders and allergic diseases. Vitamin D can regulate immune function, strengthen the integrity of the intestinal barrier structure, and reduce the invasion of harmful bacteria.
Reuteri can effectively maintain intestinal health. In addition to balancing good and bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing gastrointestinal motility and reducing intestinal pH, effectively inhibiting harmful bacteria, probiotics can also regulate vitamin D and its receptors (VDR). It enables vitamin D to activate immune cells, regulate cell growth, reduce the chance of cell inflammation, and thus improve human immunity.
Are you getting enough vitamin D today?
A study found that more than 90% of adults did not get enough vitamin D, and 43.8% of them were vitamin D deficient. Adults need to take 600IU (international unit) of vitamin D every day, and the elderly who are 70 years old or above need to take up to 800IU of vitamin D.
Although we can get vitamin D from food, the amount is very limited. You need to consume at least 16 eggs per day to get enough vitamin D for 1 day. Compared with Reuteri Ecz-immune + D3 Probiotics, only 1-2 capsules per day can meet the vitamin requirements.

調整健康生活方式 助你的皮膚保持健康
調整健康生活方式 助你的皮膚保持健康 秋季來臨,天氣轉涼,皮膚容易乾燥。此外,皮膚的屏障功能容易受損,讓外界的刺激物進入皮膚,引發過敏反應或濕敏發作。除了建立良好護膚習慣外,建立健康生活方式對處理濕敏問題很重要。以下為大家提供一些生活貼士,讓您保持健康皮膚。︳貼士一 均衡飲食 ︳選擇含豐富維他命、礦物質和抗氧化劑的食物,有助保持健康皮膚,如水果、蔬菜、全穀物、不飽和脂肪和蛋白質。︳貼士二 水分攝取 ︳身體攝取充足水分,建議每天飲用最少 2000 毫升水。這有助平衡皮膚水分,保濕皮膚,維持皮膚彈性,減少皮膚乾燥機會和濕敏發作風險。︳貼士三 睡眠質素 ︳充足睡眠對皮膚健康很重要;睡眠不足或睡眠質素差可能會導致皮膚乾燥和敏感。睡前可進行一些放鬆活動,如深呼吸、冥想、輕柔伸展,有助提高睡眠質素。
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世界敏感組織指引 世界敏感組織World Allergy Organization發出指引:建議懷孕婦女每天進食益生菌,有助預防媽媽及BB敏感的機會。專利益生菌L.reuteri DSM 17938,配合維他命D3 有效調節免疫系統及製造抗菌劑 Reuterin。增強免疫力,預防腸道及呼吸道感染。懷孕期間服用益生菌更可助媽媽及胎兒預防敏感的機會。孕婦:紓緩孕婦偶發性腹瀉及便秘腸道不適調節孕婦免疫系統,提升抵抗力改善消化不良及營養吸收減低皮膚易敏發作,紓緩過敏徵狀和嚴重程度(包括上呼吸道及乳糖敏感)胎兒 :優化胎兒的免疫系統:臨床結果顯示,嬰兒將來得到過敏症狀(如敏感皮膚,鼻敏感等)風險可大幅減少紓緩皮膚敏感症狀改善嬰幼兒消化及排便
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