Breast milk contains natural probiotic and hence develops a gastrointestinal protection for babies which cannot be found in infant formula. The most important stage of infants’ development starts from conception and lasts 1000 days till two years old. The gastrointestinal system should be kept healthy for nutrients absorption and healthy growth. Let’s your baby intakes Reuteri Probiotics D Drops starts from today so as to improve his gastrointestinal health, facilitate digestion, as well as absorption. By adding vitamin D3 in the product, it promotes the growth of bone and teeth of your baby and well prepare for healthy growth.
New formula with more functions:
- Relieves infantile colic and wind problem
- improves digestion and bowel movement
- Reduces antibiotics associated side effects
- Relieves symptoms of lactose intolerance
- Soothes sensitive skin
- Promotes bone and teeth growth
- Improve symptoms of COVID-19, including intestinal microbial imbalance and diarrhea
Reuteri Probiotics D Drops:
- Direct use or apply drops to drink for convenient use
- Colourless and tasteless, the texture and taste of the food and drinks would not be affected
- 100% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin D3 for infants
- Choices of many paediatricians
- Made in Sweden, available in more than 100 countries
- Supported by more than 258 clinical trials, safe and reliable
- Patented formula to improve human immunity, application no. HK1125840, 12112385.4, HK110508, 12107505.9
Recommended Dosage:
- 0-2 years old infants and children: 5 drops per day
- Adults, elderlym pregnant women and people with sensitive skin: 5 drops twice per day
- Shake well for 10 seconds before each use. To dispense the drop, press the tube gently
- Can be given by spoon or added to breast milk or formula
Package: 5ml
Reuteri D Drop is a patented formula to improve human immunity. More than 258 clinical studies proved it promotes gut health, improves immune system and suppresses allergy as well. Reuteri conforms to the requirement of WHO and it is a truly human probiotic that:
- Reuteri is an activated micro-organism.
- Research has proved that Reuteri is beneficial for human health
- Every 5 drops of Reuteri D Drops contain 100 million active cells of L. reuteri DSM 17938 and 400 IU vitamin D3
- Reuteri can produce antiseptic- Reuerin that inhibit the growth of a number of common bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Research showed Reuteri Probiotics can survive with common antibiotics, gastric juice and bile in gastrointestinal tract.
- It is suitable for infant, children, adult and pregnant woman.
- This product is a sugar-free oily drop, does not require refrigeration (keep below 25℃) and is convenient to carry.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient for bone growth of child. This “ sunshine vitamin “ facilitates intestinal absorption of calcium and hence promotes bone growth and development of children. The average calcium consumption of children around two to five years old in Hong Kong is lower than recommended daily intake by 30%-40%. Insufficient calcium consumption may cause rickets in children with symptoms of weak and soft bones, stunted growth, and, in severe cases, skeletal deformities.
According to Chinese DRIs, the calcium RDI for children and baby under 3 years old is 400 International Units. 5 drops of Reuteri D Drops contains equal amount of vitamin D which can meet the RDI of our children.
Reuteri Drops cures intestinal colic in seven days
An Italian pediatric expert has previously conducted a prospective study to evaluate the effect of Reuteri Drop on the crying time of babies who had Infantile Colic. The research showed that their crying time has been significantly reduced for 74% in seven days. Both the parents and babies will be less tense. According to another clinical study, after consumption of Reuteri for 21 consecutive days, it reduces cry and scream symptoms caused by Infantile Colic for 90% of targeted baby.
Reuteri Drops is better than traditional colic medicine Simethicone to improve colic problem
Another study has revealed that, continuously taking Reuteri Drop for 28 days, 95% of the babies have their infantile colic problem improved, while Simethicone could only improve for 7%. Compared with traditional colic medicine Simethicone, Reuteri Drop is more reliable and effective in treating Infantile Colic
Infantile Colic may cause childhood emotional problems and children allergies
According to a 10 years cohort study following 103 infants, infants or baby with chronic intestinal colic will have a higher chance to suffer from intestinal discomfort, skin allergies and emotional instability. Reuteri improves intestinal colic, hence, can reduce the chance for suffering from allergies and emotional instability.
50% of baby’s diarrhea problems solved after consumption of Reuteri for two consecutive days
According to a clinical study done in Turkish hospital, application of Reuteri Drops can relieve diarrhea in infants and baby. 50% of the 127 targeted infants and baby no longer suffer from diarrhea after consumption of Reuteri Drops for two consecutive days. This greatly, reduce the hospitalization days for infants or baby suffering from acute diarrhea.
University clinical study verify that Reuteri drops can effectively relieve baby constipation symptoms
The pediatric unit at Italian university evaluated 44 infants with chronic constipation. Reuteri Drop significantly increased 91% of the frequency of defecation to more than three times after only 2 weeks supplementation. As Reuteri Drop can improve the peristalsis, therefore facilitate the bowel movements and helps to relieve the baby’s constipation symptoms.
How much probiotics does our baby need?
This depends on various factors such as age, gut microflora and the species of the probiotics. There is no standard answer. According to several clinical studies, approximately 1-2 hundred million reuteri is enough for relieving intestinal disease such as intestinal colic, intestinal function disorder and nausea. There are a myriad of probiotics products available in the market. However, most of them come from animals or plants source. These probiotics may not survive well in human intestine which greatly affect the effectiveness of these products. A large amount of these probiotics are necessary in other to be effective. Unlike the others, probiotics in Reuteri drops extract directly from human intestine which are already adapted to the habitat of human intestine. Therefore, a smaller amount of Reuteri is enough to promote a similar effect compare to other probiotics products.
Can daily consumption of yogurt and yogurt drink help us to obtain enough probiotics?
Yogurt drinks contain lactic acid bacteria. However, due to changes of the environment along the production line, the amount and viability of these bacteria in the final products may greatly reduce compared to the original one. This affect the effectiveness of the yogurt drinks. Moreover, most yogurt drinks in the market contain a large amount of sugar. Consumption of these drinkS may also increase consumption of added sugar which is not good for our health. Therefore, drinking yogurt drink is not the most effective way for consumption of probiotics.
Criteria of choosing the best Probiotics supplement
- Supported by many clinical researches, active probiotics gives the best effects
- Choose the product without any sugar
- With label showing the type and number of probiotics it contains
- With label showing the expired date and storage method
- Produced by recognized GMP pharmaceutical firms
認識嬰兒腸絞痛 夜闌人靜,BB從熟睡中驚醒,無故哭鬧,相信是許多新手爸爸媽媽都有經歷過的惡夢如果BB每日相同時間哭喊超過一小時,一星期有三天或以上,而情況亦維持約三星期,就可能有腸絞痛的問題。在醫學角度而言,腸絞痛並不是一種疾病。主要成因是因為嬰兒的消化系統尚未發育完全,或腸臟菌群失調造成。簡單而言,腸道好壞菌比例失調,便會導致腸道蠕動不規則。由於症狀發作時通常伴隨腹部鼓脹,因此也會有「肚風」問題。如果想真正有效改善腸絞痛情況,活得易益生菌滴劑擁有高達224份的臨床研究報告支持,安全可靠,腸絞痛寶寶每天服食「活得易」益生菌滴劑,只需短短7天,可顯著減少每天哭鬧時間高達74%。
Read More冬天日照時間短 小心嬰幼兒維他命D不足
冬天日照時間短 小心嬰幼兒維他命D不足 冬天日照時間短,縮短了皮膚接觸陽光的時間和機會,導致我們身體製造維他命D的機會也相對減少。維他命D是我們身體不可缺少的一種維他命,對於正在發育的嬰幼兒來說更是非常重要,原因是:幫助骨骼發展維他命D是組成骨骼的重要成份,對於骨骼正在快速成長的嬰幼兒,有足夠的鈣質吸收才能維持骨質密度,強健骨骼。長期缺乏維他命D可導致佝僂病,骨骼不能正常鈣化以致變軟或變形。有助身體免疫力發展缺乏維他命D很可能會降低嬰幼兒的免疫力。每日吸收400IU的維他命D,可幫助建立免疫系統。幫助改善嬰幼兒濕敏維他命D有消炎的功用。有研究發現,濕疹兒童通常比正常兒童攝取較少維他命D,攝取得越多維他命D的濕疹兒童,濕疹的嚴重性也會比較低。
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