- Every 5 drops of Reuteri Probiotics Drop contains 100 million active cells of L. reuteri DSM 17938
- Reuteri can produce antiseptic- Reuerin that inhibit the growth of a number of common bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract
- Research showed Reuteri can survive with antibiotics and gastric acid in gastrointestinal tract and it is suitable for infant, children, adult and pregnant woman.
- This product is a sugar-free oily drop, does not require refrigeration (keep below 25℃) and is convenient to carry.

Reuteri Probiotics
Designed for infants, elderly, people with swallowing and chewing difficulties.
Reuteri Probiotic Drops increases the good bacteria and restores the natural balance of bacteria in your gut.
Reuteri aids digestion and absorption and improves your health.
Clinically Proven To:
- Reduce infantile colic and wind problems
- Improve digestion and bowel movements
- Reduce antibiotics-associated side effects
- Reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance
- Relieve symptoms of skin allergy
- Improve symptoms of COVID-19, including intestinal microbial imbalance and diarrhea
Unique features:
- User friendly, can be taken directly or added to a drink
- Colorless and tasteless, will not affect the texture and taste of food or drink
- Colicky babies have 74% less crying time after using Reuteri Probiotic Drops for just 7 days
- 91% of infants with constipation have significantly increased the frequency of bowel movements after taking Reuteri Probiotic Drops for 2 weeks
- Made in Sweden, available in more than 100 countries
- Supported by more than 258 clinical trials, safe and reliable
- Obtained a patented formula for improving immune function: HK1125840, 12112385.4, HK110508, 12107505.9
Recommended Dosage:
- For gut health: 5 drops per day
- For people who have gastrointestinal problems: 5 drops twice per day
- Shake well before use
- Can be administered by spoon or added to any drinkPackage: 5ml
Reuteri Probiotic Drop is a patented formula to improve human immunity. Reuteri conforms to the requirement of WHO and it is a truly human probiotic that:
- Reuteri is an activated micro-organism.
- Research has proved that Reuteri is beneficial for human health.
Improve infantile colic and diarrhea
- According to medical professionals, it is very common for babies to be hospitalized for treatment due to gastroenteritis caused by the virus. Patients will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain. When babies grow, they often touch things with their little hands and put objects into their mouths, which increases the chance of contracting viruses and affects the baby’s nutritional absorption and growth. To enhance the baby’s intestinal resistance, parents can give their baby Reuteri Probiotics.
- Clinical tests showed that 40 children aged 6 months to 3 years old who suffered from diarrhea took Reuteri Probiotics for 2 days while in hospital. 74% of the children had significant improvement. After 3 days, up to 90% of them had significant improvement and all of them no longer has diarrhea. The intestinal health effect of Reuteri Probiotics is confirmed.
- Dairy sensitivity, one of the causes of occasional diarrhea is due to the body’s lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Reuteri Probiotics can decompose the lactose in milk into lactic acid, reducing the amount of lactose, effectively reducing allergic reactions. At the same time, it can also allow some people who are sensitive to milk to absorb nutrients from milk, such as calcium.
- Antibiotics while eradicating harmful bacteria, they will also kill the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which will immediately weaken the intestinal resistance and cause the imbalance between beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria to cause diarrhea. Studies have confirmed that Reuteri Probiotics will not be killed by commonly used antibiotics, can replenish the number of good bacteria in the body and relieve gastrointestinal problems caused by the use of antibiotics.
Improve constipation
- In recent years, constipation cases have been on the rise. The main reasons are stress in life, excessive use of laxatives, fast food culture, lack of vegetables, and aging, which cause abdominal muscle atrophy. In addition, low activity slows down intestinal peristalsis, leading to rectal constipation. Stimulation is greatly reduced, causing constipation.
- Studies have shown that Reuteri Probiotics will decompose dietary fiber and sugar to produce lactic acid and acetic acid, which will make the intestines more acidic, promote intestinal wall peristalsis, help smooth defecation, and relieve occasional constipation problems. Reuteri Probiotics is safe and reliable, suitable for pregnant women and the elderly.
Regulate immune system
- To enhance children’s immunity, taking Reuteri Probiotics is a better choice. Research shows that after 209 children aged 4-10 months took Reuteri Probiotics for 12 weeks, their fever, occasional diarrhea and absence from school were greatly reduced compared with children who did not take, and their body’s resistance was significantly enhanced.
- Another study pointed out that after 262 Swedish employees aged 18-65 took Reuteri Probiotics for 80 days, their rate of sick leave was significantly reduced by 55% compared with employees who did not take, withtheir body’s resistance significantly enhanced.
Probiotics – Give your body the best Protection
According to some scientific reports related to the nutritional value of probiotics from the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics can effectively improve gastrointestinal health by balancing the diversity of microbes inside. If our body can maintain adequate amount of probiotics, other pathogens will not able to grow and our immunity will be strengthened as well.
How Probiotics maintain our gut health?
Inside our stomach, there are about 400-500 types of microbes, which these microbes can be classified as pathogens and probiotics. Normally, they would grow inside our body in a balanced way. But if we have an imbalanced diet, too much stress, medication, declined immunity, or we eat some contaminated food, pathogens will grow extensively in our body, therefore we will easily have diarrhea, vomiting or constipation. Having natural probiotics supplement is a direct way to maintain the balance of microbes, so to protect our bodies against illness.
Criteria of choosing the best Probiotics supplement
1. Supported by many clinical researches, active probiotics gives the best effect.
2. Choose the product without any sugar.
3. With label to show the type and number of probiotics it contains.
4. With label to show the expired date and storage method.
5. Produced by recognized GMP pharmaceutical firms.
Infantile Colic
Is your baby always crying for no reason? If he is not sick, he may be suffered from colic. In general, if a baby cries more than three hours a day, more than three days a week and for at least three weeks, it will be regarded as the baby getting a lot of “wind” inside his tummy. Studies also showed that up to 26% of infants had been diagnosed with colic.
Overall infant suffering from constipation ranges from 7-30%, for many children this is a long term problem. Clinical studies showed that about 30% of the children suffer from constipation after puberty; therefore, this problem cannot be ignored. If parents found children get abdominal pain and bloating easily, it can often be regarded as constipation.
Constipation can be divided into two main categories:
- Unsmooth defecation, that is, the texture is too hard, making it difficult for the baby to defecate.
- Frequency of defecation is too little.

認識嬰兒腸絞痛 夜闌人靜,BB從熟睡中驚醒,無故哭鬧,相信是許多新手爸爸媽媽都有經歷過的惡夢如果BB每日相同時間哭喊超過一小時,一星期有三天或以上,而情況亦維持約三星期,就可能有腸絞痛的問題。在醫學角度而言,腸絞痛並不是一種疾病。主要成因是因為嬰兒的消化系統尚未發育完全,或腸臟菌群失調造成。簡單而言,腸道好壞菌比例失調,便會導致腸道蠕動不規則。由於症狀發作時通常伴隨腹部鼓脹,因此也會有「肚風」問題。如果想真正有效改善腸絞痛情況,活得易益生菌滴劑擁有高達224份的臨床研究報告支持,安全可靠,腸絞痛寶寶每天服食「活得易」益生菌滴劑,只需短短7天,可顯著減少每天哭鬧時間高達74%。
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冬天日照時間短 小心嬰幼兒維他命D不足
冬天日照時間短 小心嬰幼兒維他命D不足 冬天日照時間短,縮短了皮膚接觸陽光的時間和機會,導致我們身體製造維他命D的機會也相對減少。維他命D是我們身體不可缺少的一種維他命,對於正在發育的嬰幼兒來說更是非常重要,原因是:幫助骨骼發展維他命D是組成骨骼的重要成份,對於骨骼正在快速成長的嬰幼兒,有足夠的鈣質吸收才能維持骨質密度,強健骨骼。長期缺乏維他命D可導致佝僂病,骨骼不能正常鈣化以致變軟或變形。有助身體免疫力發展缺乏維他命D很可能會降低嬰幼兒的免疫力。每日吸收400IU的維他命D,可幫助建立免疫系統。幫助改善嬰幼兒濕敏維他命D有消炎的功用。有研究發現,濕疹兒童通常比正常兒童攝取較少維他命D,攝取得越多維他命D的濕疹兒童,濕疹的嚴重性也會比較低。
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